SABER is the System Agnostic Background Error Representation.

It provides generic software utilities for computing and working with the background error covariance matrix, often referred to as the B matrix.

SABER Error Covariance Model

The B matrix is generally modeled as a series of linear operators, represented in SABER by “SABER blocks”. Such blocks, even if they come from different components of SABER, are often interoperable. The full series of blocks (linear operators) used in a model for B is referred to as a “block-chain”.

The B matrix can be modeled in one of several ways, depending on the needs of the user. SABER has options for setting up parametric, esemble, or hybrid background error covariances. A parametric B, sometimes called a “static” B in the literature, could be a model which does not evolve with time or a model that introduces some flow-dependence through dependence on the background state. An ensemble B uses an ensemble of forecasts to update/evolve the background error in time. A hybrid B combines set of parametric and ensemble models using a weighted sum.

More details here:

SABER applications

There are currently only two applications. The main application runs most of the functionality of saber and is called ErrorCovarianceToolbox. In addition we have an application that reads either an ensemble of states or perturbations. It then processes / filters the transformed increments, dumping them to file. More details are in

Calibration of SABER error covariance

A SABER error covariance can be calibrated from ensemble data:

SABER testing

SABER has its own pseudo-model for testing purposes, called QUENCH.

More details here:

A low-level description of the classes, functions, and subroutines is also available, produced by means of the Doxygen document generator.

Doxygen Documentation