
To be able to read ODB files, ioda needs to be built in an environment providing access to ECMWF’s odc library. All of the development containers (Intel, GNU and Clang) include this library.

Reading ODB files

To read an ODB file into an ObsSpace, four options need to be set in the obs space.obsdatain.engine section of the YAML configuration file:

  • type: ODB

  • obsfile: the path to the ODB file;

  • mapping file: the path to a YAML file mapping ODB column names and units to IODA variable names;

  • query file: the path to a YAML file defining the parameters of an SQL query selecting the required data from the ODB file.

  • max number channels: The max number channels option is intended for use with GNSSRO data where it is desired to treat these observations as profiles (thus altering how tangent-point drift is accounted for). This parameter must be set to zero (the default) if the data are read into a 1D variable, and a number greater than zero if the data are read into a 2D variable. In the 2D case, any profiles which are not a multiple of max number channels in length will be padded with missing data. Unless the typical length of a profile is known, fewer missing values will be used when the value of max number channels is smaller. However, using max number channels greater than one decreases the number of locations in the data, which decreases the number of geovals used. Since geovals typically dominate the memory used by JEDI decreasing the number of locations decreases the overall amount of memory used. On the other hand, those geovals will not be at the correct location for all the observations, so this decreases the accuracy of the calculated H(x). Therefore choosing an appropriate value for max number channels will be a balance between accuracy and memory usage.

  • time window extended lower bound: Extended lower bound of time window (datetime in ISO-8601 format). This is an optional parameter which, if set, must be a dateTime equal to or earlier than the start of the assimilation window. Observations which lie between this lower bound and the start of the assimilation window have their dateTime set equal to the start of the assimilation window. This ensures that the observation will be accepted by the time window cutoff that is applied in oops. The original value of the datetime is stored in MetaData/initialDateTime if the unmodified dateTime needs to be accessed.

The syntax of the mapping and query files is described in the subsections below. The ioda repository contains sample mapping and query files that should be sufficient for most needs. There is a single mapping file, test/testinput/odb_default_name_map.yml, and one query file per observation type, e.g. test/testinput/iodatest_odb_aircraft.yml for aircraft observations and test/testinput/iodatest_odb_atms.yml for ATMS observations. For example, a YAML file used for aircraft data processing could contain the following obs space.obsdatain section:

obs space:
      type: ODB
      obsfile: Data/testinput_tier_1/aircraft.odb
      mapping file: testinput/odb_default_name_map.yaml
      query file: testinput/iodatest_odb_aircraft.yaml

Writing ODB files

To write an ObsSpace into an ODB file, four options need to be set in the obs space.obsdataout.engine section of the YAML configuration file. These are the same four options as the read method, namely type, obsfile, mapping file and query file which are detailed in the read section. The type will be ODB and the obsfile specifies the path to the output file. The ODB file produced is a series of columns all of length Location multiplied by the number of varno’s. For varno’s with a channel dimension this is multiplied by the length of Channel. As an example if varno 119 and 110 are requested then there would be Location multiplied by Channel rows for varno 119, which is brightnessTemperature, and an additional Location number of rows for varno 110, which is surfacePressure. If there were 10 locations and varno 119 had 7 channels the total length of each column would be \(\left ( 10\times7 \right ) + 10 = 80\).

The mapping file provides the mapping between the ODB column name and the variable name in the ObsSpace. The mapping file also specifies whether the variable is varno dependent or not. A varno dependent variable will provide the group which the data is stored in e.g. ObsValue and the varno specifies what name the variable has e.g. varno 119 maps to an ioda variable name of brightnessTemperature. For a varno independent variable the full path e.g. MetaData/stationIdentifier will be specified in the mapping file. The query file lists the ODB column names that are to be written out to the file. This will be a subset of the data in the ObsSpace and all variables that the user wishes to output are required in the query file. If a variable is requested in the query file but it is not in the ObsSpace a message is written to the log but the code does not fail. If a query variable is requested and there is no variable matching that name in the mapping file the code will throw an exception.

The syntax of the mapping and query files is described in the subsections below. The ioda repository contains sample mapping and query files that should be sufficient for most needs. There is a single mapping file, ..share/test/testinput/odb_default_name_map.yaml, and one query file per observation type, e.g. ..share/test/testinput/iodatest_odb_aircraft.yaml for aircraft observations and ..share/test/testinput/iodatest_odb_atms.yaml for ATMS observations. For example, a YAML file used for aircraft data processing could contain the following obs space.obsdataout section:

obs space:
      type: ODB
      obsfile: testoutput/aircraft_out.odb
      mapping file: ..share/test/testinput/odb_default_name_map.yaml
      query file: ..share/test/testinput/iodatest_odb_aircraft.yaml

Mapping Files

Here is an example ODB mapping file:

varno-independent columns:
  - source: lat
    name: MetaData/latitude
  - source: lon
    name: MetaData/longitude
  - source: level.surface
    name: MetaData/surface_level
    bit index: 0
  - source: level.tropopause_level
    name: MetaData/tropopause_level
    bit index: 2
varno-dependent columns:
  - source: initial_obsvalue
    group name: ObsValue
    varno-to-variable-name mapping: &obsvalue_varnos
      - varno: 29
        name: relative_humidity
        unit: percentage
      - varno: 110
        name: surface_pressure
        unit: hectopascal
  - source: initial_obsvalue
    group name: MetaData
    varno-to-variable-name mapping:
      - varno: 235
        name: air_pressure
  - source: obs_error
    group name: ObsError
    varno-to-variable-name mapping: *obsvalue_varnos
  - source: datum_event1.duplicate
    group name: DiagnosticFlags/Duplicate
    bit index: 17
    varno-to-variable-name mapping:
      - varno: 29
        name: relative_humidity
      - varno: 110
        name: surface_pressure
complementary variables:
  - input names: [site_name_1, site_name_2, site_name_3, site_name_4]
    output name: MetaData/station_id

A mapping file may contain up to three top-level sections: varno-independent columns, varno-dependent columns and complementary variables. All of them are optional, but at least the first two will typically be present. The syntax of each section is described below, followed by a detailed explanation of the mappings defined in the above YAML file.

The varno-independent columns Section

This section contains a list of items defining the mapping of individual varno-independent ODB columns to ioda variables. Varno-independent columns are those storing values dependent on the observation location, but not on the observed variable (identified by its varno). They include most metadata, such as latitude, longitude or station ID. Each item in this list may contain the following keys:

  • source (required): name of the mapped ODB column (e.g. lat) or a member of a bitfield column (e.g. level.surface, indicating the surface member of the level column of type bitfield).

  • name (required): full name of the corresponding ioda variable (e.g. MetaData/latitude);

  • unit (optional): name of the unit used in the ODB file. If specified, values loaded from the ODB file will be converted to the unit used in ioda (typically a basic SI unit). Currently the following units are supported: celsius, knot, percentage (converted to a fraction), okta (1/8 – converted to a fraction), degree (converted to radians) and hectopascal (converted to pascals).

  • bit index (optional): 0-based index of the bit within a bitfield column that should store the values of the mapped member. Will be used by the ODB file writer, currently in development.


Bitfield ODB columns can either be mapped in their entirety to a single integer ioda variable or be split into multiple Boolean ioda variables, each storing the value of a single member. In the latter case, it is not necessary to map each member to a ioda variable: some may be omitted, as illustrated for the level column in the YAML snippet above, which contains no mapping for the standard_level member stored in bit 1.

The varno-dependent columns Section

This section contains a list of items defining the mapping of individual varno-dependent ODB columns to groups of ioda variables. Varno-dependent columns are those storing values dependent not only on the observation location, but also on the observed variable (identified by its varno). Typical examples are the columns storing the observed value or estimated observation error. Each item in this list may contain the following keys:

  • source (required): name of the mapped ODB column (e.g. initial_obsvalue) or a member of a bitfield column (e.g. datum_event1.duplicate, indicating the duplicate member of the datum_event1 column of type bitfield);

  • group name (required): name of the group (e.g. ObsValue) containing the ioda variables storing restrictions of the mapped ODB column to individual varnos;

  • bit index (optional): 0-based index of the bit within a bitfield column that should store the values of the mapped member. Will be used by the ODB file writer, currently in development.

  • varno-to-variable-name mapping (required): a list of items defining the mapping between varnos and ioda variables. Each item in the list may contain the following keys:

    • varno (required): numeric identifier of a geophysical variable (see https://apps.ecmwf.int/odbgov/varno for the full list);

    • name (required) name of the corresponding ioda variable;

    • unit (optional): name of the unit used in the ODB file; see above for more details.

The complementary variables section

This section contains a list of items defining groups of varno-independent ODB text columns that should be merged into single ioda variables. This merging is required because entries of ODB text columns are limited to 8 characters each. Within each item, the following keys are recognized:

  • input names (required): ordered list of names of ODB columns that should be merged;

  • output name (required): name of the ioda variable that will hold the contents of the merged columns;

  • output variable data type (optional): if present, must be set to string;

  • merge method (optional): if present, must be set to concat.

Example Mapping File: Detailed Discussion

The example YAML file shown above defines the following mappings:

  • The lat and lon ODB columns are mapped to the MetaData/latitude and MetaData/longitude ioda variables, respectively. For each column, the value of only one row per location is transferred to the corresponding ioda variable. (The columns are declared to be varno-independent, so by definition it should not matter which of these rows is used.)

  • The surface and tropopause_level members of the level bitfield column are mapped to the MetaData/surface_level and MetaData/tropopause_level Boolean ioda variables, respectively. In each case, the value of only one row per location is transferred to the corresponding ioda variable.

  • Elements of the initial_obsvalue column located in rows storing observations of varnos 29 and 110 are transferred to the ObsValue/relative_humidity and ObsValue/surface_pressure ioda variables. In each case, a unit conversion takes place.

  • Elements of the initial_obsvalue column located in rows storing observations of varno 235 are transferred to the MetaData/air_pressure ioda variable.

  • Elements of the obs_error column located in rows storing observations of varnos 29 and 110 are transferred to the ObsError/relative_humidity and ObsError/surface_pressure ioda variables. In each case, a unit conversion takes place.

  • Elements of the duplicate member of the datum_event1 bitfield column located in rows storing observations of varnos 29 and 110 are transferred to the DiagnosticFlags/Duplicate/relative_humidity and DiagnosticFlags/Duplicate/surface_pressure Boolean ioda variables.

  • Strings from the site_name_1, site_name_2, site_name_3 and site_name_4 columns are concatenated and transferred to the MetaData/station_id ioda variable. Only one row per location is kept.


Certain variables are handled in a special way. Columns for date and time (date, time, receipt_date, receipt_time) are not specified in the mapping file; instead they are converted into the string date/time representations used by ioda and stored in ioda variables MetaData/datetime and MetaData/receiptdatetime. They still need to be provided in the variables list in the query file.

Query files

The following ODB query file

- name: date
- name: time
- name: receipt_date
- name: receipt_time
- name: lat
- name: lon
- name: flight_phase
- name: level.surface_level
- name: initial_obsvalue
  varno: [2,111,112]

corresponds to the following SQL query:

SELECT date, time, receipt_date, receipt_time, lat, lon, flight_phase, initial_obsvalue, level.surface_level
FROM <ODB file name>
WHERE (varno = 2 OR varno = 111 OR varno = 112);

This is the query used to retrieve data from the input ODB file. The names of the specified columns are converted to ioda variable names when the ObsSpace object is constructed.

In general, a query file must contain a where section with the varno key set to the list of identifiers of the geophysical variables of interest (see https://apps.ecmwf.int/odbgov/varno for the full list). In addition, it can contain an optional variables list; the name key in each item in this list is the name of a column or a bitfield column member to be retrieved from the ODB file. If the mapping file defines mappings for individual members of a bitfield column and the variables list contains just the name of this column (rather than names of specific members), all members for which mappings exist are retrieved. Finally, an optional ignored names key can be set to a list of names of ODB columns that should not be mapped to ioda variables according to the rules defined in the mapping file even if they are loaded from the ODB file for other reasons. By default, this applies to the following columns: date, time, receipt_date, receipt_time, entryno, seqno, varno, vertco_type and ops_obsgroup.

There are two additional options which are specific to data that are divided into records (e.g. radiosonde and ocean profiles). If the option truncate profiles to numlev is set to true, each profile is shortened to have a number of levels equal to the ODB variable numlev, which varies from profile to profile. This avoids a large number of unnecessary levels being stored in memory. The default value of this parameter is false. The option time displacement variable can be used to define an ODB variable (typically initial_level_time) which is added on to the station launch time to produce a dateTime that varies along a profile. If time displacement variable is empty (the default) then the dateTimes are not changed in this way.