Reading HDF5 files

To read an HDF5 file into an ObsSpace, it is enough to set the obs space.obsdatain.engine option in the YAML configuration file to the HDF5 file path. For example,

obs space:
      type: H5File
      obsfile: Data/testinput_tier_1/sondes_obs_2018041500_m.nc4

Note that the HDF5 file type is explicitly specified using the obs space.obsdatain.engine.type keyword with the value of H5File.

Writing HDF5 files

To write the contents of an ObsSpace to an HDF5 file at the end of the observation processing pipeline, use the obs space.obsdataout.engine option:

obs space:
      type: H5File
      obsfile: Data/sondes_obs_2018041500_m_out.nc4

Again, note the explicit specification of an HDF5 output file using the obs space.obsdataout.engine.type keyword.