
The script backend allows you to run python scripts in order to generate any ObsGroup object you want. In order to use it there are 2 pieces.

The ioda configuration file has to be configured as follows. The args section can list any number of arguments that you want, but the python script has to take these as arguments to the create_obs_group function. The types need to be consistent as well.

time window:
  begin: "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z"
  end: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"

- obs space:
    name: "THE LINE"
    simulated variables: ['lineData']
        type: script
        script file: ""
          varname: "lineData"
          start: 0
          stop: 10

The following is an example of the script file itself. Basically it consists of a python function called create_obs_group that takes the arguments that were configured in the yaml file. Arguments in the python function that have default values are optional in the YAML file. The argument types are validated as far as it is possible to do so. Python 3 style type indications are supported and the types are inferred from defaulted objects. The only other rule is that the function has to return an ObsGroup object.

import numpy as np
from pyioda import ioda_obs_space as ioda_ospace

def create_obs_group(varname, start, stop:int, fillvalue=-999):
    print ("Creating ObsGroup with variable: ", varname)

    if (step == 0):
        step = (stop - start) / 100

    numLocs = int((stop - start) / step)

    datetime = np.array(["2020-01-01"]*numLocs, dtype=np.dtype('datetime64[s]'))
    lat = np.linspace(-89, 89, numLocs)
    lon = np.linspace(-179, 179, numLocs)
    data = np.linspace(start, stop, numLocs)

    # Create the dimensions
    dims = {'Location': data.shape[0]}

    # Create the IODA ObsSpace
    obsspace = ioda_ospace.ObsSpace("", mode='w', dim_dict=dims, is_memory_file=True)

    # Create the global attributes
    obsspace.write_attr('MyGlobal_str', 'My Global String Data')
    obsspace.write_attr('MyGlobal_int', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])

    # Create the variables
    obsspace.create_var('MetaData/dateTime', dtype=datetime.dtype, fillval=fillvalue) \
        .write_attr('long_name', 'Timestamp') \

    obsspace.create_var('MetaData/latitude', dtype=lat.dtype, fillval=fillvalue) \
        .write_attr('units', 'degrees_north') \
        .write_attr('long_name', 'Latitude') \
        .write_attr('valid_range', [-90.0, 90.0]) \

    obsspace.create_var('MetaData/longitude', dtype=lon.dtype, fillval=fillvalue) \
        .write_attr('units', 'degrees_east') \
        .write_attr('long_name', 'Longitude') \
        .write_attr('valid_range', [-180.0, 180.0]) \

    obsspace.create_var(f'ObsValue/{varname}', dtype=data.dtype, dim_list=['Location'], fillval=fillvalue) \
        .write_attr('units', 'imaginary') \
        .write_attr('long_name', 'My line') \

    return obsspace.obsgroup