
Takes the logarithm of a variable, with a chosen base, and stores the result in the same obs space:

\[v_\text{log} = \log_{n}(v)\]

where \(v_\text{log}\) is the transformed variable, \(v\) is the original variable and \(n\) is the base of the logarithm.

The group and name of the new variable can, optionally, be specified. Where the group is not specified, the derived version of the input group name is used.

Additional Parameters

This transform has the following parameters:

  • variable: the name of the variable to be transformed.

  • group: the name of the group in which the variable to be transformed is found.

  • base: [Optional] the base of the logarithm to be taken. Default is \(e\) (natural logarithm).

  • output variable: [Optional] the name of the transformed variable. If this does not exist it will be created.

  • output group: [Optional] the name of the group in which the transformed variable is to be stored. If this does not exist it will be created.

Note that the Method and Formulation parameters have no effect on this transform. Since the variable to act on must be specified, there are no required variables for this transform.

Invalid logarithm behaviour

If this variable transform encounters an input which is either missing or not a positive number, the output will be missing.

Example yaml blocks

No output variable or group specified:

obs filters:
- filter: Variable Transforms
  Transform: Logarithm
  variable: airTemperature
  group: ObsValue

This will take the natural logarithm of ObsValue/airTemperature and store the result in DerivedObsValue/airTemperature.

Output variable specified, but no output group:

obs filters:
- filter: Variable Transforms
  Transform: Logarithm
  variable: height
  group: MetaData
  base: 10
  output variable: logHeight

This will take the base 10 logarithm of MetaData/height and store the result in DerivedMetaData/logHeight.

Output variable and group specified:

obs filters:
- filter: Variable Transforms
  Transform: Logarithm
  variable: airTemperature
  group: ObsValue
  base: 1.5
  output variable: airTemperature_log
  output group: SomeGroup

This will take the base 1.5 logarithm of ObsValue/airTemperature and store the result in SomeGroup/airTemperature_log.