
This obsfunction follows a similar subroutine of GSI Observer to compute the log-normal vector difference (LNVD) between the observed and model winds. Calculation of LNVD uses the following \(LNVD = \sqrt{(u_{ob}-u_{model})^2 + (v_{ob}-v_{model})^2}/\log(\textrm{observed wind speed})\). Within GSI, computed values greater than a threshold (3.0) are used to reject winds, which can be accomplished using the Bounds Check filter shown in the example.


test_hofx is optional as a way to test against a reference value when running the test_ObsOperator.x application instead of the test_ObsFilters.x application.


- filter: Bounds Check
  filter variables:
  - name: windEastward
  - name: windNorthward
  test variables:
  - name: ObsFunction/SatWindsLNVDCheck
      test_hofx: GsiHofX
  maxvalue: 3