
This obsFunction is designed to provide a means for manipulating strings. The current available string manipulations are:

  • string cut

Required input parameters:


An array of the variable for string manipulation supplied as a vector of strings.

string operation

A key word which will set what type of string manipulation is to be carried out.

  • stringcut

    String cut will slice an input string from a given starting index for a set length.

    Required stringcut parameters:

    For the stringcut option the following inputs are required


    An integer that will set what index to start the cut from (0 being far left)


    An integer that will set the length of the string to cut from the startIndex.

Example configuration:

Here is an example for creating a new station_name variable from a ground based gnss station name processing name combination. In this example the MetaData/full_site_name might look like AAAA-BBBB.

- filter: Variable Assignment
  - name: MetaData/station_name
    type: string
      name: StringObsFunction/StringManipulation
        string operation: stringcut
        variable: [MetaData/full_site_name]
        startIndex: 0
        cutLength: 4

The output MetaData/station_name would then look like AAAA.