
This obsFunction is designed to compute observation error inflation factor for brightness temperature as a function of weighted surface temperature jacobian and surface emissivity jacobian. The error inflation factor (EIF) is defined as:

\[\text{EIF} = \sqrt{1 + Errinv * Beta}\]

\(Errinv\) = inverse of effective observation error variance

\(Beta\) = \({(obserr_{dtempf} * \left| {Jtemp} \right| + obserr_{demisf} * \left| {Jemis} \right| )}^2\)

\(J_{temp}\) = surface temperature jacobian

\(J_{emis}\) = surface emissivity jacobian

\(obserr_{dtempf}\) = empirical constant as a function of surface type applied to Jtemp

\(obserr_{demisf}\) = empirical constant as a function of surface type applied to Jemis

Required input parameters:


List of channel to which the observation error factor applies


Observation error scale factors applied to surface temperature jacobians over five surface types: [sea, land, ice, snow and mixed]


Observation error scale factors applied to surface emissivity jacobians over five surface types: [sea, land, ice, snow and mixed]

Optional input parameters:


Name of the data group to which the observation error is applied (default is ObsErrorData)


Name of the data group to which the QC flag is applied (default is QCflagsData)

Required fields from obs/geoval:


GeoVaLs/water_area_fraction, GeoVaLs/land_area_fraction, GeoVaLs/ice_area_fraction, GeoVaLs/surface_snow_area_fraction


ObsDiag/brightness_temperature_jacobian_surface_temperature, ObsDiag/brightness_temperature_jacobian_surface_emissivity

In addition, brightness_temperature observation error and QC flags will come from prior filters or from the input files defined by test_obserr and test_qcflag.

Example configurations:

Here is an example to use this obsFunction inside a fiter to inflate obs errors.

- filter: Perform Action
  filter variables:
  - name: brightnessTemperature
    channels: *all_channels
    name: inflate error
    inflation variable:
      name: ObsFunction/ObsErrorFactorSurfJacobianRad
      channels: *all_channels
        channels: *all_channels
        obserr_demisf: [0.010, 0.020, 0.015, 0.020, 0.200]
        obserr_dtempf: [0.500, 2.000, 1.000, 2.000, 4.500]