Using channels 12-18 of SSMIS satellite brightness temperatures, retrieve cloud liquid water as described by the references listed below. This follows a similar routine in GSI Observer.


Weng, F., R. R. Ferraro, and N. C. Grody, 1999: Effects of AMSU-A cross track asymmetry of brightness temperatures on retrieval of atmospheric and surface parameters. Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Earth’s Surface and Atmosphere, edited by P. Pampaloni, and S. Paloscia, pp. 255–262, VSP Int. Sci., Leiden, Netherlands.

Yan, B. and F. Weng, 2008: Intercalibration Between Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder and Special Sensor Microwave Imager. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 984-995 doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2008.915752.

Required yaml parameters:


channel number of brightness temperature from 19GHz horizontal polarized channel


channel number of brightness temperature from 19GHz vertical polarized channel


channel number of brightness temperature from 22GHz vertical polarized channel


channel number of brightness temperature from 37GHz horizontal polarized channel


channel number of brightness temperature from 37GHz vertical polarized channel


channel number of brightness temperature from 91GHz vertical polarized channel


channel number of brightness temperature from 91GHz horizontal polarized channel

Example configuration:

- filter: Bounds Check
  filter variables:
  - name: brightnessTemperature
    channels: 12-18
  test variables:
  - name: ObsFunction/CLWRetMW_SSMIS
      satellite: SSMIS
      ch19h: 12
      ch19v: 13
      ch22v: 14
      ch37h: 15
      ch37v: 16
      ch91v: 17
      ch91h: 18
      varGroup: ObsValue
  minvalue: 0.0
  maxvalue: 2.0

In this example, any retrieved cloud liquid water value less than zero or greater than 2 will cause the observation to be rejected.