
Creates a variable on a channel-by-channel basis, with its value conditional on another variable.

This obs function was designed to address a need to create a “probability of gross error” value, dependent on the QC values. That need is normally achieved using a Where statement, but this does not currently work with channels. Hence this function was created.

It works by being given an integer input variable, which contains any number of channels. If the input variable is equal to the test value, then the output is set equal to the assignEqual value, otherwise it is given the assignNotEqual value. The output is always a float.

Input parameters:

variable (required)

Gives the name and channels for the integer input variable to be tested.

testValue (optional, default 0)

The value to test the input against.

assignEqual (optional, default 0.1)

If the input is equal to the test, then assign the output to this value.

assignNotEqual (optional, default 1.0)

If the input is not equal to the test, then assign the output to this value.

Example configuration:

- filter: Variable Assignment               # Set the probability of gross error, based on the QC flags
  - name: GrossErrorProbability/bendingAngle
    channels: 1-375
    type: float
      name: ObsFunction/AssignValueEqualChannels
          name: QCflagsData/bendingAngle
          channels: 1-375
        testValue: 0
        assignEqual: 0.1
        assignNotEqual: 1.0