The Sea-ice, Ocean, and Coupled Assimilation project (SOCA) is the interface between the generic components of the JEDI system and MOM6. MOM6 is developed by NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL). Further documentation on the latest version of the MOM6 model is provided by GFDL
As well as all the source code needed to implement JEDI for the MOM6 grid and states, SOCA also provides all the configuration for running example applications, low resolution testing states and continuous integration.
Applications currently possible with SOCA¶
Observation simulation
3DVar with multivariate parametric background error covariance
EnVar and Hybrid-EnVar
Biogeochemistry using BLING
Wave analysis
Reanalysis with the UFS and GEOS
Various types of data assimilation are supported as part of the initial release of SOCA and
testing of these are routinely executed in the SOCA ctest
suite. Toy example experiments
with 5-degree resolution are provided as part of the tutorial.