VADER is the VAriable DErivation Repository.
It provides generic routines for producing new variables from known variables.
Before VADER, every JEDI model interface had to implement every variable change that it required, resulting in duplicated code and effort between models. VADER provides a way for all models to use the same variable change code, while still maintaining the flexibility for models to use their own code when desired.
- How To Use VADER
- Recipe Naming Standard
- Vader Variable Changes
- Potential Temperature from temperature and surface pressure
- Potential Temperature from temperature and pressure to kappa
- Air pressure at midpoints from air pressure at interface
- Air pressure at interface from ak/bk
- Air pressure at interface from pressure thickness
- Log of air pressure at interface from air pressure at interface
- Air pressure thickness from pressure at interface
- Air pressure to kappa from air pressure at interface
- Surface air pressure from air pressure thickness
- Temperature from potential temperature and exner
- Temperature from virtual temperature and specific humidity
- Virtual Temperature from potential temperature and exner
- Dry air density levels minus one from virtual potential temperature and pressure
- U-wind at 10m from eastward wind
- V-wind at 10m from northward wind