UFO is the Unified Forward Operator.
It provides the observational operators needed to compute departures and innovations. In other words, it enables the comparison between model forecasts and observations that lies at the heart of the data assimilation process. UFO also provides related functionality related to observations such as quality control (QC) filters and variational bias correction.
These documents give a high-level overview of the UFO code repository. A low-level description of the classes, functions, and subroutines is also available, produced by means of the Doxygen document generator.
- Observation Operators in UFO
- Introduction
- Categorical
- Composite
- Vertical Interpolation
- Atmosphere Vertical Layer Interpolation
- Averaging Kernel Operator
- Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM)
- Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD)
- Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) for dust (Met Office)
- GNSS RO bending angle (NBAM)
- GNSS RO bending angle (ROPP 1D)
- GNSS RO bending angle (ROPP 2D)
- GNSS RO bending angle (MetOffice)
- GNSS RO refractivity (NCEP)
- Ground Based GNSS observation operator (Met Office)
- Identity observation operator
- In situ particulate matter (PM) operator
- Radar Radial Velocity
- Scatterometer neutral wind (Met Office)
- SfcPCorrected
- Background Error Vertical Interpolation
- Background Error Identity
- Total column water vapour
- Absolute dynamic topography
- Cool skin
- Insitu temperature
- Vertical Interpolation
- Sea ice thickness
- Sea ice fraction
- Profile Average operator
- Creating a new Observation Operator in UFO
- Quality Control in UFO
- Variable transforms
- Observation uncertainties in the UFO
- Observation error covariances in UFO
- Variational Bias Correction in UFO
- Static Bias Correction in UFO
- Available Predictors