ObsFunctions in UFO¶
Observation Functions are more advanced filtering routines that are encapsulated together in a unit. They usually combine several complicated logic operations, and decomposing these filters into separate parts would have an obfuscating effect.
- Arithmetic
Perform a variety of mathematical functions on input variables.
- AssignValueEqualChannels
Assign values to a variable, depending on a value of another (channel-by-channel)
- BennartzScatIndex
Compute Bennartz scattering index from microwave channels
- BgdDepartureAnomaly
Compute the background departure anomaly between two channels
- ChannelUseflagCheckRad
Channel usage flag check for radiances
- CloudCostFunction
Bayesian cost function for detecting cloud-affected radiances
- CloudDetectMinResidualAVHRR
Cloud detection using Minimum Residual Method for AVHRR
- CloudDetectMinResidualIR
Cloud detection using Minimum Residual Method for IR Sensors
- CloudFirstGuessMinimumResidual
Cloud top pressure and effective cloud amount from satellite BTs.
- CLWMatchIndexMW
Cloud liquid water match index for microwave radiances
Retrieve cloud liquid water using MW channels (non-SSMIS version)
Cloud liquid water for SSMIS
- CLWRetSymmetricMW
Estimates the actual Cloud Liquid Water (CLW) content from both model background and observed content
- Conditional
Create an array of ints, floats, strings or date times using a series of where clauses.
- DateTimeOffset
Add an offset variable, with units of seconds, minutes or hours, to the
variable.- DrawObsErrorFromFile
Derive observation error values by interpolating an array loaded from a file, representing the variance or covariance matrix (of which only the diagonal elements are taken into account), indexed by coordinates whose names correspond to ObsSpace variables. This file can potentially contain a collection (“stack”) of such matrices.
- DrawValueFromFile
Derive values by interpolating an array loaded from a file, indexed by coordinates whose names correspond to ObsSpace variables
- FillAveragedProfileData
Copy values from an observed atmospheric profile to the same profile averaged onto model levels.
- GeoCloudCreateCloudColumn
Create cloud fraction column on model levels for GeoCloud observation type
- HydrometeorCheckAMSUA
AMSU-A cloud and precipitation checks
- HydrometeorCheckATMS
ATMS cloud and precipitation checks
- InterChannelConsistencyCheck
Inter-channel consistency check for radiances
- MetOfficeRelativeHumidityCorrection
Produce correction to Met Office relative humidity H(x).
- ModelLevelIndex
Given observed and model values of a chosen vertical coordinate, return the index at which each observed value lies in its equivalent model column.
- MPIRank
Returns the MPI rank on which each ObsSpace location is stored (including for overlapping ObsSpace distributions).
- NearSSTRetCheckIR
NCEP-GDAP near-sea-surface temperature IR retrieval
- ObsErrorBoundIR
Observation error bound for gross check
- ObsErrorBoundMW
Obseration error bounds for microwave radiances
- ObsErrorFactorConventional
Compute observation error inflation factor for conventional observations based on vertical spacing
- ObsErrorFactorLatRad
Observation error bound reduction within tropics
- ObsErrorFactorQuotient
Reject observations based on comparing final observation error to initial error estimate
- ObsErrorFactorSfcPressure
Inflate observation error for surface pressure (as in GSI)
- ObsErrorFactorSituDependMW
Compute error inflation factors for AMSU-A and ATMS
- ObsErrorFactorSurfJacobianRad
Inflate error using surface temperature and emissivity Jacobians
- ObsErrorFactorTopoRad
GSI error inflation as a function of terrain height, channel, and transmittance
- ObsErrorFactorTransmitTopRad
Satellite radiance observation error inflation factor
- ObsErrorFactorWavenumIR
Observation error inflation for satellite infrared sensors
- ObsErrorModelHumidity
Variant of ObsErrorModelStepwiseLinear for humidity observation error assignment
- ObsErrorModelRamp
Parameterize observation error as a piecewise linear function
- ObsErrorModelStepwiseLinear
GSI variant of ObsErrorModelRamp
- ObsFunctionExponential
Compute exponential function of a variable
- ObsFunctionLinearCombination
Compute linear combination of given variables weighted by given coefficients. This ObsFunction name is deprecated but has been retained for backwards compatibility. Please use
instead.- ObsFunctionSelectStatistic
Output all 0’s, except for 1 in locations corresponding (or closest) to the minimum, maximum, median or mean of the input variable within each record.
- ObsFunctionStringManipulation
Perform an operation on a string to change its format i.e slice.
- ObsFunctionVelocity
Compute wind speed from u- and v- components
- OceanPressureToDepth
Convert an ocean pressure variable (Pa) to depth below surface (m)
- ProfileAverageObsPressure
Fill values of pressure in profiles that have been averaged onto model levels.
- ProfileLevelCount
Count the number of locations in each profile that satisfy a particular condition.
- RadarScanEdgeFlag
Clean the edges of radar scans using a variety of techniques.
- RecordNumberToObsSpace
For an input data set that has been grouped into records, enable the internal unique record number to be saved to the ObsSpace.
- RONBAMErrInflate
Observation error inflation factor for GnssroBndNBAM
- SatwindIndivErrors
Compute individual u- or v- component observation errors for Satwinds
- SatWindsLNVDCheck
log-normal vector difference (LNVD) between observed and model winds
- SatWindsSPDBCheck
Wind gross error check
Retrieve Grody et al. scattering index from bias-adjusted channels over water surfaces
- SetSurfaceType
Determine and output surface type for use with observation operator
- SetSeaIceEmiss
Calculate MW emissivity for surfaces classified as Ice by AAPP.
- StableLayersCloudTopPressure
Calculate the cloud-top pressure from satellite radiance input using the “stable layers” method
- TropopauseEstimate
First-guess extimate of tropopause pressure from climatology
- TropopauseHeight
Calculate tropopause height from model fields
- VisibilityDiagnostic
Compute a visibility (in meters) given input obs space variables and a set of parameters
- WindDirAngleDiff
Compute wind direction angle different between observation and model