The ProcessPerts Application

Main idea

The main idea is to calculate processed background perturbations and write them to files. This calculation can occur before the time critical part of the operational scheme of a weather forecasting cycling system. Then the processed perturbations can be read into the ensemble part of the background error covariance model in the standard oops variational application.

The application can run in either the High-pass Filter Mode or the Waveband Filter Mode


The initial implementation supports either background perturbations being read in, or an ensemble of states being read. With the latter we calculate the ensemble mean first and calculate the raw background perturbations by subtracting each ensemble member state from the ensemble mean.

Note that there are error traps in the application to ensure that we don’t read both ensemble perturbations and an ensemble of states.

Main idea (high-pass filter mode)

The first version of this application copies each background perturbation and then applies a low pass filter to it. Thereafter the low-pass filtered perturbation is subtracted from the original perturbation to produce a high-pass filtered perturbation. Each high-pass filtered perturbation is written to file. Optionally, based on the yaml configuration, the low pass filtered perturbations can be also dumped to the file.

Typical yaml (high-pass filter mode)

  ... #this sets the 'outer most' geometry (coming from the ensemble)
input variables: [list-of-vars]
- band:
      saber central block:
        saber block name: ID
      saber outer blocks:
      - saber block name: spectral analytical filter
          horizontal daley length: 5008e3 #localization length scale
      - saber block name: spectral to gauss
        filter mode: true # instead of running the adjoint code it runs the inverse
        filter mode: true # this must be set in interopolation block to get correct results
                          # instead of running the adjoint code it runs the inverse
    model write:
      filepath: <output_directory_for_application>/low_pass_%MEM%
      member pattern: '%MEM%'
- band:
    residual increment from previous bands: true
    model write:
      filepath: <output_directory_for_application>/high_pass_%MEM%
      member pattern: '%MEM%'

See this SABER test for the full example: process_perts_from_csdual_states_1.yaml

Analytical formulation (high-pass filter mode)

The filter section of the yaml applies the low pass filter.

In the example above we have 2 bands. The first band has 3 saber outer blocks:

  • spectral analytic filter: The full filter is defined by the combined effect of the main transform SF with its adjoint SFT such that Filter=SFSFT.

  • spectral to gauss: Notice that for this block we are setting filter mode: true which has the effect of running the left inverse i.e. the direct transform instead of the adjoint. Let the transformation from spectral space to Gaussian grid be SH and the inverse SH1

  • <INTEROPLATION>: an interpolation between the ensemble/model geometry to a Gaussian grid. As with spectral to gauss, we must have filter mode: true so the left inverse is used instead of the adjoint. For a specific example, let us denote the interpolation from a Gaussian mesh to a cubed-sphere mesh as Ig2cs. The left inverse in this case is only approximate Ics2g as it is an interpolation from a cubed-sphere mesh to a Gaussian mesh.

Let x be the original background perturbation.

So the low pass filtered perturbation xl from the first band is:


The high-pass filtered perturbation xh is given by the second band, which subtracts the sum of all the previous bands’ increments from the original increment.


Main idea (waveband filter mode)

The idea here is to allow us to split the increment into more than 2 bands. In the example below there are 3 bands. The split of the bands is done in such a way that if the original increment was on a Gaussian mesh, the variance of that increment will be the sum of the variance of the associated waveband increments. (Even though the wavebands overlap we are assuming that there is no cross-covariance between the waveband increments.) The main switch enforcing this is preserving variance: true. If you want to do spatial-dependent localization without spectral localization you should set preserving variance: false.

The spectral analytical filter uses a function waveband filter which as a default has a triangular function in terms of total wavenumber with a peak value at waveband peak that linearly drops to zero and waveband min and waveband max. For the lowest waveband the wavenumbers between and including waveband min and waveband peak are constant. Similarly for any waveband that includes the highest wavenumber, the wavenumbers between waveband max and waveband peak is constant. When preserving variance: true we use the square root of the triangular function.

In addition to this, in this yaml, there is something special done for the final waveband increment. It is called here the double subtraction method. By setting complement filter: true we first calculate not the high-pass filter directly but instead the low-pass filter complement. Then by setting use residual from filter: true we subtract the low pass filter increment from the original increment. The advantage of this approach is that we avoid interpolating the high-pass filter increment onto the model grid. We know that the interpolation can smooth small-scale features and we want to be able to avoid this.

Note that we do not need to store all the waveband increments at the model grid resolution, we can also store the lower wavebands at lower Gaussian resolutions and reduce the size of files.

Typical yaml (waveband filter mode)

  ... #this sets the 'outer most' geometry (coming from the ensemble)
input variables: &vars [list-of-vars]
- band: #BAND 1
      saber central block:
        saber block name: ID
      saber outer blocks:
      - saber block name: spectral analytical filter
          shape: waveband filter
          ... # filter parameters (min/peak/max) for lowest waveband
        preserving variance: true
        active variables: *vars # set at "input variables" using '&'
      - saber block name: spectral to gauss
        active variables: *vars
        filter mode: true # instead of running the adjoint code it runs the inverse
      - saber block name: write fields
        output path: <output_directory_for_application>/
        multiply fset filename: wb1_F14_inc # root name of file written by
                                            # multiply() method write fields block
        filter mode: true # this must be set in interopolation block to get correct results
                          # instead of running the adjoint code it runs the inverse
    model write:
      filepath: <output_directory_for_application>/wb1_<GRID_INFO>_mb%MEM%_inc
      member pattern: '%MEM%'
- band: #BAND 2
      saber central block:
        saber block name: ID
      saber outer blocks:
      - saber block name: spectral analytical filter
          shape: waveband filter
          ... # filter parameters (min/peak/max) for middle waveband
        preserving variance: true
        active variables: *vars
      - saber block name: spectral to gauss
        active variables: *vars
        filter mode: true # instead of running the adjoint code it runs the inverse
      - saber block name: write fields
        output path: <output_directory_for_application>
        multiply fset filename: wb2_F14_inc # root name of file written by
                                            # multiply() method write fields block
        filter mode: true # this must be set in interopolation block to get correct results
                          # instead of running the adjoint code it runs the inverse
    model write:
      filepath: <output_directory_for_application>/wb2_<GRID_INFO>_mb%MEM%_inc
      member pattern: '%MEM%'
- band: #BAND 3
      saber central block:
        saber block name: ID
      saber outer blocks:
      - saber block name: spectral analytical filter
          shape: waveband filter
          ... # filter parameters (min/peak/max) for highest waveband
          waveband max: <2N - 1> # last waveband max need to be 2N - 1, where N
                                 # is gaussian grid resolution e.g. F<N> or N<N>
        preserving variance: true
        complement filter: true
        active variables: *vars
      - saber block name: spectral to gauss
        active variables: *vars
        filter mode: true # instead of running the adjoint code it runs the inverse
        filter mode: true # this must be set in interopolation block to get correct results
                          # instead of running the adjoint code it runs the inverse
    use residual from filter: true
    generic write:
      filepath: <output_directory_for_application>/wb3_%GRID%_mb%MEM%_inc
      member pattern: '%MEM%'
      grid pattern: '%GRID%'

See this SABER test for the full example: process_perts_from_csdual_states_2.yaml

Analytical formulation (waveband filter mode)

For wavebands b=1nbands1 the increment from each band xb is (again using a Gaussian<->Cubed-Sphere interpolation as an example):


if we want it in model space or


if we want it at lower Gaussian resolutions. (We use the write fields saber block for this).

The high-pass filtered perturbation xnbands is given by the double subraction method, namely


where the indicates that the complement filter for that waveband is used.