There are several environment variables users can set to enable more (or all) prints available.

More prints for PE 0

Exporting one or both of these environment variables before running an application (ctest or executable) will print OOPS_DEBUG and OOPS_TRACE statements for the PEs displayed in :code:`OOPS_INFO` only. The default for this is PE 0. OOPS_TRACE gives you information about which part of the code you are currently running, OOPS_DEBUG is typically used when you are debugging a precise part of the code.

export OOPS_TRACE=1
export OOPS_DEBUG=1

If you want to get rid of these DEBUG and TRACE prints, you will need to unset these variables or set them to 0.

More info prints for all PEs

You can export the variable OOPS_INFO to a list of PEs you wish to see the output log for. NOTE that you cannot disable the log output for PE 0. Lines in the log file will be preceded by [n] for PEs > 0.

This will output the log for PEs 0 and 1:

export OOPS_INFO=1

This will output the log for PEs 0, 2 to 5 and 9:

export OOPS_INFO=2-5,9

This will output the log for all the PEs:

export OOPS_INFO=-1

If you use OOPS_DEBUG=1 and OOPS_TRACE=1 in combination with OOPS_INFO!=0, DEBUG and TRACE will use the setting from INFO.

You can unset OOPS_INFO or export it to 0 to go back to the default behavior.

More prints for all PEs

You can export one or both of OOPS_DEBUG and OOPS_TRACE to -1. This will will print OOPS_DEBUG and OOPS_TRACE statements for all the PEs in your application. Lines in the log file will be preceded by OOPS_TRACE[n] and OOPS_DEBUG[n] for PEs > 0. The log will get crowded very fast and lines might start to overlap each other.

export OOPS_TRACE=-1
export OOPS_DEBUG=-1

Redirect output to log files for each PE

Outputting many PEs in the same log quickly gets impossible to read as lines overlap each other and are difficult to parse. Setting any of these 3 environment variables to more than one PE is better used in combination with redirecting the individual logs to different output files.

JEDI executables allow for two arguments to be passed: a yaml file for the input parameters and a second, optional file where the output will be written. If you provide the executable a second argument and have any of OOPS_INFO, OOPS_TRACE or OOPS_DEBUG != 0, output logs will be written out for each PE. For example:

export OOPS_INFO=-1  # Will output the INFO log for all PEs
export OOPS_TRACE=1  # OOPS_TRACE log follows the same PEs as OOPS_INFO
export OOPS_DEBUG=1  # OOPS_DEBUG log follows the same PEs as OOPS_INFO

mpirun -n 4 $JEDI_BUILD/bin/qg_eda.x $JEDI_BUILD/oops/qg/test/testinput/eda_3dfgat.yaml qg_eda_output.log

> ls ./
> qg_eda_output.log         qg_eda_output.log.000001        qg_eda_output.log.000002        qg_eda_output.log.000003

Note that this doesn’t work with ctest commands.

Other debugging tools and more information about the use of these variables is available here: Unit testing