Convert radiance to brightness temperatureΒΆ
The observed values in the level 1 satellite data products are sometimes in spectral radiance values. This variable transform allows for the values to be converted into brightness temperatures using an input spectral radiance and a choice of frequency, wavenumber or wavelength.
Transform: SatBrightnessTempFromRad
- filter: Variable Transforms
Transform: SatBrightnessTempFromRad
transform from:
name: ObsValue/radiance
channels: 1-22
spectral variable:
name: MetaData/wavenumber
channels: 1-22
radiance units: wavenumber
transform from
is a required parameter and is of typeufo::Variable
. This type requires a name and usually a list of channels.spectral variable
is a required parameter and is of typeufo::Variable
. This type requires a name and usually a list of channels.radiance units
is a required parameter and takes a string variable which must bewavenumber
. In ufo, wavenumbers are in \(m^{-1}\), wavelengths are in \(\mu m\) and frequencies are in Hz.minimum value
is an optional parameter and specifies the minimum tolerable output value. Any values below this are filled with the missing value indicator.maximum value
is an optional parameter and specifies the maximum tolerable output value. Any values above this are filled with the missing value indicator.planck1
is a parameter which species the value of of the first planck constant, \(c_1\) in the formula below. The default value is 1.191042972e-16. This option is only included to allow backwards compatibility and is not recommended to use.planck2
is a parameter which species the value of of the second planck constant, \(c_2\) in the formula below. The default value is 1.4387769e-2. This option is only included to allow backwards compatibility and is not recommended to use.
Examples with additional options
The below yaml extract shows how all the filter options can be used:
- filter: Variable Transforms
Transform: SatBrightnessTempFromRad
transform from:
name: ObsValue/radiance
channels: 1-22
spectral variable:
name: MetaData/frequency
channels: 1-22
radiance units: frequency
minimum value: 150.0
maximum value: 350.0
planck1: 1.191042953e-16
planck2: 1.4387774e-2
The brightness temperature at a given wavenumber (\(T_b(\nu)\)) is derived using the inverse planck formula with the formulation below:
- where:
\(c_1\) is a pre-computed constant (\(2hc^2 = 1.191042972\times10^{-16}\) \(W / (m^2 sr m^{-4})\))
\(c_2\) is a pre-computed constant (\(hc/k = 1.4387769\times10^{-2}\) \(m K\))
\(\nu\) is the wavenumber in \(m^{-1}\)
\(I(\nu)\) is the radiance.
As shown in the parameters above, there is also the option to provide values for \(c_1\) and \(c_2\). This is to allow backwards compatibility with the values in RTTOV which have rounding errors.