Building and running SkyLab

List of spack, software, and AMIs

Versions used:

  • spack-stack-1.1.0 from October 6, 2022

  • AMIs

    • Ubuntu 20.04 with gnu-10.3.0 and mpich-4.0.2:

      AMI Name skylab-2.0.0-ubuntu20

      AMI ID ami-02e7b2df53af9596b

      Recommend using t2.2xlarge instance or M5 instance with 32 cores (expensive …)

    • Red Hat 8 with gnu-11.2.1 and openmpi-4.1.4:

      AMI Name skylab-2.0.0-redhat8

      AMI ID ami-0f6b5f8a07d2f4350

      Recommend using t2.2xlarge instance or M5 instance with 32 cores (expensive …)

Developer section

Note. To follow this section, one needs read access to the JCSDA-internal GitHub org.

1- Load modules

First, you need to load all the modules needed to build jedi-bundle and solo/r2d2/ewok. Note loading modules only set up the environment for you. You still need to build jedi-bundle, run ctests, and install solo/r2d2/ewok/simobs.

Please note that currently we only support Orion, Discover, and AWS platforms. If you are working on a system not specified below please follow the instructions on JEDI Portability .

Users are responsible for setting up their GitHub and AWS credentials on the platform they are using.

Orion - Intel-2022.0.2

module purge
module use /work/noaa/da/role-da/spack-stack/modulefiles
module load miniconda/3.9.7
module load ecflow/5.8.4
module use /work/noaa/da/role-da/spack-stack/spack-stack-v1/envs/skylab-2.0.0-intel-2022.0.2/install/modulefiles/Core
module load stack-intel/2022.0.2
module load stack-intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.5.1
module load stack-python/3.9.7
module load jedi-ewok-env/1.0.0 jedi-fv3-env/1.0.0 soca-env/1.0.0 sp/2.3.3

Orion - gnu-10.2.0

module purge
module use /work/noaa/da/role-da/spack-stack/modulefiles
module load miniconda/3.9.7
module load ecflow/5.8.4
module use /work/noaa/da/role-da/spack-stack/spack-stack-v1/envs/skylab-2.0.0-gnu-10.2.0/install/modulefiles/Core
module load stack-gcc/10.2.0
module load stack-openmpi/4.0.4
module load stack-python/3.9.7
module load jedi-ewok-env/1.0.0 jedi-fv3-env/1.0.0 soca-env/1.0.0 sp/2.3.3

Discover - intel-2022.0.1

module purge
module use /discover/swdev/jcsda/spack-stack/modulefiles
module load miniconda/3.9.7
module load ecflow/5.8.4
module use /gpfsm/dswdev/jcsda/spack-stack/spack-stack-v1/envs/skylab-2.0.0-intel-2022.0.1/install/modulefiles/Core
module load stack-intel/2022.0.1
module load stack-intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.5.0
module load stack-python/3.9.7
module load jedi-ewok-env/1.0.0 jedi-fv3-env/1.0.0 soca-env/1.0.0 sp/2.3.3

Discover - gnu-10.1.0

module purge
module use /discover/swdev/jcsda/spack-stack/modulefiles
module load miniconda/3.9.7
module load ecflow/5.8.4
module use /gpfsm/dswdev/jcsda/spack-stack/spack-stack-v1/envs/skylab-2.0.0-gnu-10.1.0/install/modulefiles/Core
module load stack-gcc/10.1.0
module load stack-openmpi/4.1.3
module load stack-python/3.9.7
module load jedi-ewok-env/1.0.0 jedi-fv3-env/1.0.0 soca-env/1.0.0 sp/2.3.3

S4 - intel-2022.1

module purge
module use /data/prod/jedi/spack-stack/modulefiles
module load miniconda/3.9.12
module load ecflow/5.8.4
module use /data/prod/jedi/spack-stack/spack-stack-v1/envs/skylab-2.0.0-intel-2021.5.0/install/modulefiles/Core
module load stack-intel/2021.5.0
module load stack-intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.5.0
module load stack-python/3.9.12
module load jedi-ewok-env/1.0.0 jedi-fv3-env/1.0.0 soca-env/1.0.0 sp/2.3.3

AWS Ubuntu 20

module use /home/ubuntu/spack-stack-v1/envs/skylab-2.0.0-gcc-10.3.0/install/modulefiles/Core
module load stack-gcc/10.3.0
module load stack-mpich/4.0.2 stack-python/3.8.10
module load jedi-ewok-env/1.0.0 jedi-fv3-env/1.0.0 soca-env/1.0.0
module load sp/2.3.3
module av

AWS RedHat 8

scl enable gcc-toolset-11 bash
module use /home/ec2-user/spack-stack-v1/envs/skylab-2.0.0-gcc-11.2.1/install/modulefiles/Core
module load stack-gcc/11.2.1
module load stack-openmpi/4.1.4 stack-python/3.9.7
module load jedi-ewok-env/1.0.0 jedi-fv3-env/1.0.0 soca-env/1.0.0
module load sp/2.3.3

2- Build jedi-bundle

Once the stack is installed and the corresponding modules loaded, the next step is to get and build the JEDI executables.

The first step is to create your work directory. In this directory you will clone the JEDI code and all the files needed to build, test, and run JEDI and SkyLab. We call this directory jedi_ROOT throughout this document.

The next step is to clone the code bundle to a local directory:

mkdir $jedi_ROOT
cd $jedi_ROOT
git clone --branch 2.0.0

The example here is for jedi-bundle, the instructions apply to other bundles as well.

From this point, we will use two environment variables:

  • $JEDI_SRC which should point to the base of the bundle to be built (i.e. the directory that was cloned just above, where the main CMakeLists.txt is located or $jedi_ROOT/jedi-bundle). $JEDI_SRC=$jedi_ROOT/jedi-bundle

  • $JEDI_BUILD which should point to the build directory or $jedi_ROOT/build. Create the directory if it does not exist. $JEDI_BUILD=$jedi_ROOT/build


It is recommended these two directories are not one inside the other.

  • Orion: it’s recommended to use $jedi_ROOT=/work/noaa/da/${USER}/jedi.

  • Discover: it’s recommended to use $jedi_ROOT=/discover/nobackup/${USER}/jedi.

  • On the preconfigured AWS AMIs, use $jedi_ROOT=$HOME/jedi

Building JEDI then can be achieved with the following commands:

ecbuild $JEDI_SRC
make -j8

Feel free to have a coffee while it builds. Once JEDI is built, you should check the build was successful by running the tests (still from $JEDI_BUILD):


If you are on an HPC you may need to provide additional flags to the ecbuild command, or login to a compute node, or submit a batch script for running the ctests. Please refer the documentation for more details.

(You might have another coffee.) You have successfully built JEDI!


Even if you are a master builder and don’t need to check your build, if you intend to run experiments with ewok, you still need to run a few of the tests that download data (this is temporary) and generate static files. You can run these tests with:

ctest -R get_
ctest -R bumpparameters

3- Build solo/r2d2/ewok/simobs

We recommend that you use a python3 virtual environment (venv) for building solo/r2d2/ewok/simobs

git clone --branch 1.0.0
git clone --branch 1.1.0
git clone --branch 0.2.0
git clone --branch 1.0.0
git clone --branch 1.1.0

cd $jedi_ROOT
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages --without-pip venv
source venv/bin/activate

cd $JEDI_SRC/solo
python3 -m pip install -e .
cd $JEDI_SRC/r2d2
python3 -m pip install -e .
cd $JEDI_SRC/ewok
python3 -m pip install -e .
cd $JEDI_SRC/simobs
python3 -m pip install -e .

Note: You need to run source venv/bin/activate every time you start a new session on your machine.

4- Setup SkyLab

Create and source $jedi_ROOT/

We recommend creating this bash script and sourcing it before running the experiment. This bash script sets environment variables such as jedi_ROOT, JEDI_BUILD, and JEDI_SRC for ecflow/ewok to use. Users may set JEDI_SRC, JEDI_BUILD, and EWOK_TMP however they want (that’s why we made them different variables) or use the default template in the sample script below. Note that JEDI_SRC and JEDI_BUILD are experiment specific, i.e. you can run several experiments at the same time, each having their own JEDI_SRC and JEDI_BUILD. EWOK_STATIC_DATA includes static data used by ewok and is available on Orion, Discover, and the AWS AMI. Make sure you set this variable based on the platform you are using. Please don’t forget to source this script after creating it: source $jedi_ROOT/


# Source source this file for ewok ecFlow workflows
source $jedi_ROOT/venv/bin/activate

if [ -z $jedi_ROOT ]; then
  export jedi_ROOT=**Set this based on your set up**

if [ -z $JEDI_BUILD ]; then
  export JEDI_BUILD=${jedi_ROOT}/build

# Add ioda python bindings to PYTHONPATH
PYTHON_VERSION=`python3 -c 'import sys; version=sys.version_info[:2]; print("{0}.{1}".format(*version))'`

if [ -z $JEDI_SRC ]; then
  export JEDI_SRC=${jedi_ROOT}/jedi-bundle

if [ -z $CARTOPY_DATA ]; then
  # On Orion
  export CARTOPY_DATA=/work/noaa/da/jedipara/ewok/cartopy_data
  # On Discover
  export CARTOPY_DATA=/discover/nobackup/projects/jcsda/s2127/ewok/cartopy_data
  # On AWS
  export CARTOPY_DATA=${jedi_ROOT}/cartopy_data

if [ -z $EWOK_TMP ]; then
  export EWOK_TMP=${jedi_ROOT}/tmp

# necessary user directories for ewok and ecFlow files
mkdir -p $EWOK_TMP/ewok $EWOK_TMP/ecflow

# ecFlow vars
myid=$(id -u ${USER})
if [[ $myid -gt 64000 ]]; then
  myid=$(awk -v min=3000 -v max=31000 -v seed=$RANDOM 'BEGIN{srand(seed); print int(min + rand() * (max - min + 1))}')
export ECF_PORT=$((myid + 1500))

host=$(hostname | cut -f1 -d'.')
export ECF_HOST=$host

# Define path to static B files (platform-dependent):
# On orion:
export EWOK_STATIC_DATA=/work/noaa/da/role-da/static
# On discover:
export EWOK_STATIC_DATA=/discover/nobackup/projects/jcsda/s2127/static/

# On AWS:
export EWOK_STATIC_DATA=$HOME/static

5- Run SkyLab

Now you are ready to start an ecflow server and run an experiment. Make sure you are in your python virtual environment (venv).

To start the ecflow server:

Note: On Discover users need to specify port number (choose any port between 2500 and 9999) using -p when running this command. You also need to set ECF_PORT manually on Discover:

export ECF_PORT=2500 -p 2500

Please note “Host” and “Port Number” here. Also note that each user must use a unique port number (we recommend using a random number between 2500 and 9999)

To view the ecflow GUI:

ecflow_ui &

When opening the ecflow GUI flow for the first time you will need to add your server to the GUI. In the GUI click on “Servers” and then “Manage servers”. A new window will appear. Click on “Add server”. Here you need to add the Name, Host, and Port of your server. For “Host” and “Port” please refer to the last section of output from the previous step.

To stop the ecflow server:

Note: On Discover users need to specify port number using -p when running this command. -p 2500

To start your ewok experiment: $JEDI_SRC/ewok/experiments/your-experiment.yaml