
Count the number of levels in each profile (subject to conditions in the where clause).

This ObsFunction can be used for samples that have been divided into profiles (records). (If that is not the case, an exception will be thrown.) The number of locations in each profile that pass the where clause associated with this function is computed. The number is then assigned to all members of that record in the output vector.

The default behaviour of the ProfileLevelCount ObsFunction is to count locations even when values are missing or QC flags are not equal to pass for some variables. The user therefore needs to specify additional selections on such values if desired.

Note that the where clause associated with the governing filter (e.g. Variable Assignment) can be used to control which locations are assigned the count.

The where operator parameter can be used to specify the logical operator which combines conditions that appear in the where statement. The possible values are and (the default) and or. Note that it is possible to use the where operator option without the where statement. The option has no impact in that case.

Documentation on profile-specific QC filters can be found here.


- filter: Variable Assignment
  - variable:
      name: fill@MetaData
    is_in: 2
  - name: number_of_levels@DerivedMetaData
    type: int
      name: ProfileLevelCount@IntObsFunction
        - variable:
            name: apply@MetaData
          is_in: 1

In this example, the Variable Assignment filter is used in combination with the Profile Level Count ObsFunction to count the number of locations in each profile with apply@MetaData equal to 1. The count is assigned to the variable number_of_levels@DerivedMetaData in the profile for all locations at which fill@MetaData is equal to 2.