
This routine was designed to mimic the way GSI observer code (i.e., setupq.f90) assigns observation error for specific humidity observations in two steps. The first step is to interpolate errors from GSI error table (i.e., prepobs_errtable.txt) to observation pressure with parameters and routines similar to those from ObsErrorModelStepwiseLinear. The second step is to scale the errors with saturation specific humidity estimated from model fields because humidity errors from prepobs_errtable.txt are for relative humidity observations. Forecast temperature and pressure fields are required for the computation of saturation specific humidity.

This obs function is designed solely for the error assignment of specific humidity observations. When used in a filter, please make sure filter variables only contains the variable name for specific humidity.

The required yaml parameters, xvar, xvals, and errors, and their usages in this obs function are the same as in ObsErrorModelStepwiseLinear. A slight expansion of the usage is to allow size-1 lists of xvals and errors to accommodate the situation of fixed input error. Inputing a size-1 list of errors is equivalent to specifying a fixed error with error parameter.

This obs function also contains two optional parameters, Method and Formulation, which are used to specify the method and/or formulation for computing saturation specific humidity. If not specified, the default method/formulation will be used.

Example yaml

- filter: Perform Action
  filter variables:
  - name: specific_humidity
    name: assign error
    error function:
      name: ObsErrorModelHumidity@ObsFunction
          name: MetaData/air_pressure
        xvals: [85000, 50000, 25000]   #Pressure (Pa)
        errors: [0.18, 0.19, 0.2]      #RH error
        Method: UKMO