
This obsFunction is designed to mimic the NCEP GDAS observer code (i.e., subroutine errormod in qcmod.f90) to computate the observation error inflation factor based on vertical spacing (in pressure). If there are multiple observations within one model pressure interval, the observation error factors will be computed based on vertical intervals above and below each observation. This error inflation obsFunction is used in NCEP GDAS for temperature, moisture, and winds from conventional obs as well as some satellite retrievals.

Required input parameter:

inflate variables

Variable names to be inflated. It can include multiple variables if this obsFunction is used independently. If this obsFunction is used as part of a QC filter, it can only include one variable for each use.

Optional input parameters:

test QCflag

Currently, the only possible input is PreQC, which is provided inside the JEDI_GDAS observation files. If not defined, the obsFunction will use QCflagsData from prior filters.

test QCthreshold

This parameter is only used for test QCflag: PreQC. Default is 3. The observations with PreQC flags <=3 will be used for this ObsFunction.

Example configurations:

Here is an example to use this obsFunction to inflate observation errors of specific humidity:

- filter: BlackList
  filter variables:
  - name: specific_humidity
    name: inflate error
    inflation variable:
      name: ObsErrorFactorConventional@ObsFunction
        test QCflag: PreQC
        inflate variables: [specific_humidity]

Note: If using this obs function in a filter (as shown in the example), please make sure name of filter variables and inflate variables have the same variable name. Due to the current constraint with obsFunctions, only one variable can be used for each filter using this obsFuction. If using this obsFunction independely from any filters, for example, running test_ObsFunction.x to test this obsFunction, inflate variables can include multiple variables.

Note: This obs function requires each of the obs profiles are sorted by pressure in descending order (from bottom to top levels). The following shows an example configuration for grouping observations based on station_id and datetime and sort the data accordingly in descending air_pressure order.

- obs operator:
    name: VertInterp
  obs space:
    name: test
      obsfile: testdata
       group variables: ["station_id", "datetime"] # Choose parameteres to identify each of
                                                   # the obs profiles
       sort variable: "air_pressure"
       sort order: "descending"