
The DrawObsErrorFromFile obsfunction is a simple wrapper around the DrawValueFromFile obsfunction, specifically tailored to derive the observation error values by interpolating an array loaded from a file, representing the variance or covariance matrix (of which only the diagonal elements are taken into account), indexed by coordinates whose names correspond to ObsSpace variables. This file can potentially contain a collection (“stack”) of such matrices.

Particularities of files representing variance or covariance

In using DrawObsErrorFromFile, differently to DrawValueFromFile, we identify our payload variable to have the group defined by the parameter group. The default value of this is ErrorVariance.

For NetCDF, we additionally support pulling out the diagonals where the file contains a covariance matrix. We identify whether the input NetCDF represents a covariance matrix by the presence of a full = “true” attribute for our payload variable, then when true, we collapse the first dimension.


The following NetCDF metadata describes the dependence of a full covariance matrix (with rows and columns corresponding to channel numbers) on multiple variables (latitude_band@MetaData, processing_center@MetaData and satellite_id@MetaData(index)):

netcdf mydata {
  channel_number = 10 ;
  channel_number@MetaData = 10 ;
  index = 8 ;
  float air_temperature@ErrorVariance(channel_number, channel_number@MetaData, index) ;
    air_temperature@ErrorVariance:coordinates = "latitude_band@MetaData \
        processing_center@MetaData satellite_id@MetaData" ;
    string air_temperature@ErrorVariance:full = "true" ;
  int index(index) ;
  int channel_number(channel_number) ;
  int channel_number@MetaData(channel_number@MetaData) ;
  int latitude_band@MetaData(index) ;
  int processing_center@MetaData(index) ;
  int satellite_id@MetaData(index) ;

Notice how a channel_number* describes the outermost two dimensions. The very outermost dimension is collapsed and discarded after extracting the diagonal elements of the covariance matrices, so its name can be arbitrary. This allows us to conform to CF conventions, which forbids multiple axes of an array to be indexed by the same coordinate. The name of the dimension that remains after the collapse needs to match a variable name or be set to channel_number@MetaData if this dimension is indexed by channel numbers (which aren’t represented by an ObsSpace variable).

Now we illustrate how we might read and interpolate this data to derive our observation error. This also demonstrates specifying the channels option, resulting in an implicit interpolation by channel number:

- Filter: Perform Action
  filter variables:
  - name: air_temperature
    channels: &all_channels 1-3
    name: assign error
    error function:
      name: DrawObsErrorFromFile@ObsFunction
      channels: *all_channels
        file: <path-to-input>
        channels: *all_channels
        - name: satellite_id@MetaData
          method: exact
        - name: processing_center@MetaData
          method: exact
        - name: latitude_band@MetaData
          method: nearest

The DrawObsErrorFromFile ObsFunction can read either standard deviations or variances from a file. This is controlled by the dispersion measure parameter which can take the value of either standard deviation or variance (the default).