JEDI Configuration Files: Content

This document describes some of the items included in JEDI configuration (config) files and how to use them. It is not intended to be complete. Different models and observation types have different implementations of these basic elements, often with different parameters and variable names.

Users and developers are welcome to add their own items and the accompanying code to process them. We recommend using the JEDI repositories saber, ioda, ufo, and fv3-jedi as prototypes for the structure, content, and naming conventions in the config files.

This document is intended only as a guide to help users interpret and customize JEDI configuration files in order to run applications. Developers may also use this information to write new tests. For practical information on how to modify the JEDI code to read and process the information contained in the configuration files see: JEDI Configuration Files: Implementation.

The sections of this document refer to the top-level items in the YAML/JSON configuration files and how each of these top-level items are used.


JEDI config files use geometry to define the model grid (both horizontal and vertical) and its parallelization across compute nodes.

Sometimes, as is the case with FV3, grid information is read from data files that are provided with the model repository via git LFS. This entry may also include one or more Fortran namelist files that are read by the model to set up the grid and its parallel partitioning.


Used to define multiple unit tests for the model state, including file IO, interpolation, variable changes, increments, and computation of the background error covariance matrix.

model, linear model

Used to define model parameters, control flags, physics packages, and other options for the model and the linearized model respectively. Items may also define Fortran namelist files to be used by the model.

background error

Provides information and specifications for computing the background error covariance matrix, also known as the B matrix. The first item in this section is often the key covariance model, which identifies the method by which the B matrix is computed. A popular option here is BUMP, the Background error covariance on an Unstructured Mesh Package developed by Benjamin Menetrier (JCSDA/Meteo-France) and distributed as part of saber. Alternatively, individual models may also offer a static B matrix.

model aux control, model aux error

Used to define the model bias and its associated error covariance matrix.

initial condition

This is used to define the initial condition of a forecast or DA cycle. It often includes references to restart files and Fortran namelists to be used by the model upon startup. Alternatively, it may specify one of several idealized analytic states that can be used to initialize models. JEDI currently provides several options for analytic initialization based on the idealized benchmarks defined by the multi-institutional 2012 Dynamical Core Intercomparison Project sponsored by NOAA, NSF, DOE, NCAR, and the University of Michigan. Other analytic models may be added in the future.


Often the largest section of the configuration file, this describes one or more observation types, each of which is a multi-level YAML/JSON object in its own right. As described our Configuration file implementation example, each of these observation types are read into JEDI as an eckit::Configuration object. Commonly used components within each observation type include

  • obs space: describes observation space-related configuration (required)

    • name: descriptive name, used in logs (required)

    • obsdatain.obsfile: input filename (this or generate section is required)

    • obsdataout.obsfile: output filename (optional)

    • simulated variables: list of variables that need to be simulated by the observation operator and whose observed values are present in the input file (required, though may be an empty list).

    • derived simulated variables: list of variables that need to be simulated by the observation operator, but whose observed values cannot be loaded from the input file and need to be created by a filter (optional).


# Example 1: radiosonde
obs space:
  name: Radiosonde
    obsfile: Data/sondes_obs_2018041500.nc4
  simulated variables: [air_temperature, eastward_wind, northward_wind]
# Example 2: radiances (note channels specification)
obs space:
  name: amsua_n19
    obsfile: Data/amsua_n19_obs_2018041500.nc4
    obsfile: Data/amsua_n19_obs_2018041500_out.nc4
  simulated variables: [brightness_temperature]
  channels: 1-10,15
# Example 3: derived variables. Suppose the input file contains wind speeds and directions,
# but we want to assimilate the eastward and northward wind velocity components (which could
# be derived from the speeds and directions using the Variable Transforms filter)
obs space:
  name: Radiosonde
    obsfile: Data/sondes_obs_2018041500.nc4
  simulated variables: [air_temperature]
  derived simulated variables: [eastward_wind, northward_wind]
  • obs operator: describes observation operator and its options (required)

    • name: name in the ObsOperator and LinearObsOperator factory, defined in the C++ code (required)

    • other options depend on observation operators (see description of existing obs operators).

  • obs error: Provides information and specifications for computing the observation error covariance matrix (required for DA applications). The first item in this section is often the key covariance model, which identifies the method by which observation error covariances are constructed. The only option supported currently is diagonal for diagonal observation error covariances. This is also the default used when the obs error section is not present. The initial estimates of the standard deviations (square roots of variances) of observation errors of simulated variables are loaded from ObsSpace variables from the ObsError group, if they exist. The observation errors of any simulated variables without a counterpart in the ObsError group are initialized to missing value indicators; it is then the user’s responsibility to provide valid error estimates using an observation filter (typically performing the assign error action; see Filter Actions) by the time they are needed. After the last filter has been executed, any observations that still have no valid error estimates are rejected.

  • obs filters: Used to define QC filters (optional, see description of existing QC filters)

  • obs bias: Used to specify the bias correction (optional)

  • geovals: Identifies simulated ufo output files and other parameters that are used for testing (optional, only used for UFO tests)

Here is an example YAML file showing how to specify the creation of an output file from IODA.

window begin, window length

Used to define the assimilation window for many applications, such as Variational, EDA, LocalEnsembleDA, MakeObs, HofX, EnsHofX.

cost function

Specifies parameters, variables, and control flags used to define how the cost function should be calculated (read more on existing cost functions here).


This tells oops which algorithm to use for minimizing the cost function, specified by the key algorithm. Valid options include DRGMRESR, DRIPCG, GMRESR, IPCG, SaddlePoint, RPCG, DRPCG, DRPFOM, LBGMRESR, DRPLanczos, PCG, PLanczos, RPLanczos, MINRES, and FGMRES (more on minimizers here).


Used to specify the name, path, format, frequency, and other attributes of any output files that the application may produce.

Top-Level Variables

Most of the content in the JEDI config files is contained in sections of the YAML/JSON hierarchy that can themselves be treated as self-contained Configuration objects. Some of the more commonly used sections are described above, throughout this document.