IODA File Formats


IODA can read files in the following formats:

  • HDF5

  • ODB

and write files in the following formats:

  • HDF5.

The following sections describe how these formats are handled from the user’s point of view.


To read an HDF5 file into an ObsSpace, it is enough to set the obs space.obsdatain.obsfile option in the YAML configuration file to the HDF5 file path. For example,

obs space:
    obsfile: Data/testinput_tier_1/sondes_obs_2018041500_m.nc4

Similarly, to write the contents of an ObsSpace to disk at the end of the observation processing pipeline, use the obs space.obsdataout.obsfile option:

obs space:
    obsfile: obsfile: Data/sondes_obs_2018041500_m_out.nc4

Each MPI rank will then write its observations to a separate file with the name obtained by inserting the rank before the extension of the file name taken from the obs space.obsdataout.obsfile option. In the example above, processes 0 and 1 would produce files called Data/sondes_obs_2018041500_m_out_0000.nc4 and Data/sondes_obs_2018041500_m_out_0001.nc4, respectively (assuming observations were split across ranks only in space; if they were split also in time, file names would have an extra suffix with the index of the time partition).



To be able to read ODB files, ioda needs to be built in an environment providing access to ECMWF’s odc library. All of the development containers (Intel, GNU and Clang) include this library.

To read an ODB file into an ObsSpace, three options need to be set in the obs space.obsdatain section of the YAML configuration file:

  • obsfile: the path to the ODB file;

  • mapping file: the path to a YAML file mapping ODB column names and units to IODA variable names;

  • query file: the path to a YAML file defining the parameters of an SQL query selecting the required data from the ODB file.

The syntax of the mapping and query files is described in the subsections below. The ioda repository contains sample mapping and query files that should be sufficient for most needs. There is a single mapping file, test/testinput/odb_default_name_map.yml, and one query file per observation type, e.g. test/testinput/iodatest_odb_aircraft.yml for aircraft observations and test/testinput/iodatest_odb_atms.yml for ATMS observations. For example, a YAML file used for aircraft data processing could contain the following obs space.obsdatain section:

obs space:
    obsfile: Data/testinput_tier_1/aircraft.odb
    mapping file: testinput/odb_default_name_map.yml
    query file: testinput/iodatest_odb_aircraft.yml

Mapping files

Here’s an example ODB mapping file:

  - name: MetaData/latitude
    source: lat
  - name: MetaData/longitude
    source: lon
  - name: ObsValue/relative_humidity
    source: 29
    unit: percentage
  - name: ObsValue/surface_pressure
    source: 110
    unit: hectopascal
  complementary variables:
  - input names: [site_name_1, site_name_2, site_name_3, site_name_4]
    output name: MetaData/station_id

The top-level section ioda is required. The ioda.variables section is optional (but typically needed); if present, it must be a list of items defining the mapping of individual ODB columns to ioda variables. Within each item, the following keys are recognized:

  • source (required): name of an ODB column or numeric identifier of a geophysical variable (see for the full list);

  • name (required): name of the corresponding ioda variable;

  • unit (optional): name of the unit used in the ODB file. If specified, values loaded from the ODB file will be converted to the unit used in ioda (typically a basic SI unit). Currently the following units are supported: celsius, knot, percentage (converted to a fraction), okta (1/8 – converted to a fraction), degree (converted to radians) and hectopascal (converted to pascals).

The ioda.complementary variables section is also optional; if present, it must be a list of items defining groups of ODB text columns that should be merged into single ioda variables. This merging is required because entries of ODB text columns are limited to 8 characters each. Within each item, the following keys are recognized:

  • input names (required): ordered list of names of ODB columns that should be merged;

  • output name (required): name of the ioda variable that will hold the contents of the merged columns;

  • output variable data type (optional): if present, must be set to string;

  • merge method (optional): if present, must be set to concat.

Certain variables are handled in a special way. Columns for date and time (date, time, receipt_date, receipt_time) are not specified in the mapping file; instead they are converted into the string date/time representations used by ioda and stored in ioda variables MetaData/datetime and MetaData/receiptdatetime. They still need to be provided in the variables list in the query file.

Query files

The following ODB query file

- name: lat
- name: lon
- name: flight_phase
- name: initial_obsvalue
- name: varno
  varno: [2,111,112]

corresponds to the following SQL query:

SELECT lat, lon, flight_phase, initial_obsvalue, varno
FROM <ODB file name>
WHERE (varno = 2 OR varno = 111 OR varno = 112);

This is the query used to retrieve data from the input ODB file. The names of the specified columns are converted to ioda variable names when the ObsSpace object is constructed.

In general, a query file must contain a where section with the varno key set to the list of identifiers of the geophysical variables of interest (see for the full list). In addition, it can contain an optional variables list; the name key in each item in this list is the name of a column to be retrieved from the ODB file.