Data files

The below describes the static data files that accompany the repository. These can be found in fv3-jedi/test/Data/

Static data files


Data/fieldsets contains a number of files for controlling the fields that can be instantiated in FV3-JEDI, desribed in FieldMetadata. The fields in these files are designed to serve as an example and include all the fields used in the ctest suite executed in FV3-JEDI. As the system evolves and more models are added and used it is anticipated that these FieldSet files will be more tailored to the specific model rather than with the catch all way they are currently constructed.

The file dynamics.yaml contains the main dynamic fields used in the system and is where a new field for the global NWP could be added. The file ufo.yaml contains all the fields that UFO can potentially request from the model. FV3-JEDI calls a variable transform operation where it converts between the model fields and the UFO fields before performing the interpolation to observation locations. In order to complete the variable transform, FV3-JEDI first creates a state with the fields requested from the observation operator, if there are fields that are not already part of dynamics.yaml they are included via ufo.yaml.


There are a number of fixed ‘fv3files’ needed by FV3-JEDI, most of which are used by the Geometry class and some by the Model and LinearModel.

The file akbkx.nc4, where x is the number of vertical layers, contains the coefficients for creating the vertical coordinate. The directory also includes, which can be used to generate a akbk.nc4 file that can be read by FV3-JEDI geometry.

The file field_table contains and example of the tracers that are to be used. The fields contained in this file are only important if running forecasts in-core with FV3-JEDI but it has to contain at least one field to avoid any failures when making calls into the FV3 model routines that provide the geometry.

The file fmsmpp.nml is used only to initialize the FMS library.

Files like input_gfs_c12_p12.nml provide example files for initializing the Geometry as well as the standalone dynamical core model.

Files like inputpert_4dvar.nml are used to initialize the LinearModel.


FV3-JEDI requires the Finite Element Mesh Poisson Solver (FEMPS), which is used to convert wind fields to stream function and velocity potential. This solver involves a multigrid method and for simpliciity the grid heirarchy is initialized by reading longitude and latitude from files. Some examples of these files are provided with the repository and can be generated for other resolutions by running the geometry test with the do_write_geom flag set to true.

Dynamic input files


When running data assimilation applications it is necessary to provide backgrounds or restarts from which to initialize the system. The files that are required of course depends on the model but some examples are included with the repository in Data/inputs for global NWP with GEOS and GFS, global aerosol with GEOS and GFS, regional NWP with GFS and regional chemistry with GFS. The kinds of files that are needed also depends on the application being executed. Data assimilation with 4DEnVar requires backgrounds for every sub-window requested while 4DVar only requires one background at the beginning of the window and 3DVar only requires one background at the middle of the window.


If running with ensemble applications an ensemble must also be provided. There are examples of the ensemble files included in Data/input/ for several models. Ensemble fields are provided hourly to support 4DEnVar applications.

Dynamic output files

When the system runs it will produce several types of output file. Directories need to be created ahead of time in order to house this data.


When running either hofx or data assimilation applications it will produce hofx output containing several statistics for the observations. An example of how this output is set is below. Note that in the testing the files go to Data/hofx which is a directory created ahead of the tests. In practice users can select where they would like the data to be output.

  obsfile: Data/hofx/aircraft_4denvar-gfs_2018041500_m.nc4


When running applications involving the B matrix Unstructured Mesh Package (BUMP) it will produce statistics written to file that are read in when running the applications. Again the user can choose where this data will be stored. In many cases these kinds of files produced by BUMP will be static and not generated except when first setting up an experiment. The below yaml snippet shows how the path and filenames for BUMP output is set.

  prefix: Data/bump/fv3jedi_bumpparameters_nicas_gfs


When running a data assimilation or forecast application it will need to write model fields to disk. In the testing these are written to directories called forecast and analysis. The below shows how to control where the analysis files are written. The key first says how far into the window the first output is and frequency the time step between output.

  datapath: Data/analysis/
  first: PT0H
  frequency: PT3H