Cloud Detection Algorithm (Minimum Residual Method) for Infrared sensors (specifically AVHRR in this case) using selected channels from 15 microns CO2 absorption band.
Output of this function:
0 = channel is not affected by clouds (clear channel)
1 = channel is affected by clouds (cloudy channel)
2 = channel is not affected by clouds but too sensitive to surface condition
Required YAML Parameters¶
- channels
List of channels available for assimilation.
- use_flag
Useflag (-1: not used; 0: monitoring; 1: used) for each channel in channels.
- use_flag_clddet
Useflag (-1: not used; 1: used) indicating if the channel is used for cloud detection.
- obserr_dtempf
Observation error scale factors applied to surface temperature jacobians over 5 surface types: [sea, land, ice, snow and mixed].
Optional YAML Parameters¶
- test_obserr
Name of the data group to which the observation error is applied (default: ObsErrorData).
- test_hofx
Name of the HofX group used to replace the default group (default is HofX).
- test_bias
Name of the bias correction group used to replace the default group (default is ObsBias).
- test_qcflag
Name of the data group to which the QC flag is applied (default is QCflagsData).
Example configuration¶
AVHRR3 Metop-A Example (from avhrr3_metop-a.yaml)
- filter: Bounds Check
filter variables:
- name: brightness_temperature
channels: *avhrr3_metop-a_channels
test variables:
- name: CloudDetectMinResidualAVHRR@ObsFunction
channels: *avhrr3_metop-a_channels
channels: *avhrr3_metop-a_channels
use_flag: [ 1, 1, 1 ]
use_flag_clddet: [ 1, 1, 1 ]
obserr_dtempf: [0.50,2.00,4.00,2.00,4.00]
maxvalue: 1.0e-12
name: reject