Tutorial: Build and Test JEDI-FV3

Learning Goals:
  • How to download and run/enter a JEDI development container

  • How to build the JEDI code from source

  • How to run the JEDI unit test suite



In the Run JEDI in a Container tutorial we used a version of an application container. This means that the container includes the compiled source code, ready to use. The jedi-tutorial container comes pre-packaged with JEDI!

But that’s not the way most JEDI developers, and many users, use JEDI. Instead, JEDI is set up so that users and developers have easy access to a version of the source code that they can download, build, and even modify themselves. This encourages community members to make changes and potentially contribute to the project through pull requests to the main JEDI repositories.

So, to do this, you need a development container. In contrast to an application container, a development container does not include the JEDI code. But, it does include everything you need to acquire and build it.

In this approach (which you would also follow when using environment modules), we will download the code from GitHub and compile it. Then we will run the JEDI test suite.

Step 1: Download and Enter the Development Container

You can obtain the JEDI development container with the following command:

singularity pull library://jcsda/public/jedi-gnu-openmpi-dev

This is the version of the development container that uses gnu compilers and the openmpi MPI library. Other development containers are also available but the gnu-openmpi container is the only one that is currently equipped with plotting tools such as cartopy that are used in some of the tutorials (not this one). Still, you may wish to repeat this tutorial with the clang-mpich-dev container.

You should now see a new file in your current directory with the name jedi-gnu-openmpi-dev_latest.sif. If it has a different name or a different extension you may have an older version of Singularity. It is recommended that you use Singularity version 3.0 or later.

If you wish, you can verify that the container came from JCSDA by entering:

singularity verify jedi-gnu-openmpi-dev_latest.sif

Now you can enter the container with the following command:

singularity shell -e jedi-gnu-openmpi-dev_latest.sif

To exit the container at any time (not now), simply enter


Before proceeding, you may wish to take a few moments to get to know the container.

Step 2: Build fv3-bundle

JEDI packages are organized into bundles. Each bundle identifies the different GitHub repositories that are needed to run the applications and orchestrates how all of these repositories are built and linked together.

In this tutorial we will build fv3-bundle.

But, before we do so, it’s a good idea to configure git so that it will not ask you for your login credentials for every repository it downloads. So, if you haven’t done so already on your computer, run the following commands:

git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'
git config --global --add credential.helper 'store'

This stores your git credentials in your home directory for one hour (3600 seconds). And, since the container and the host environment share the same home directory, it does not matter if you run these commands inside or outside the container.

Now we will put the code in a directory coming off your home directory called jedi. Feel free to change the location if you wish.

That said, you can get it from GitHub with the following commands:

mkdir -p $HOME/jedi
cd $HOME/jedi
git clone https://github.com/jcsda/fv3-bundle.git

This should create a new directory called $HOME/jedi/fv3-bundle.

To see what code repositories will be built, cd to the fv3-bundle directory and view the file CMakeLists.txt. Look for the lines that begin with ecbuild-bundle.

ecbuild is a collection of CMake utilities that forms the basis of the JEDI build system. The ecbuild-bundle() function calls specify different GitHub repositories and integrate them into the building of the bundle, in order of dependency.

You will see references there to core JEDI repositories like OOPS, SABER, IODA, and UFO. You will also see references to repositories used to construct observation operators, such as JCSDA’s Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM). And, finally, you will see references to GitHub repositories that contain code needed to build the FV3-GFS and FV3-GEOS models and integrate them with JEDI. These include the linearized FV3 model used for 4D Variational DA, and the FV3-JEDI repository that provides the interface between JEDI and models based on the FV3 dynamical core.

Now, an important tip is: never build a bundle from the main bundle directory. In our example this means the top-level $HOME/jedi/fv3-bundle directory. Building from this directory would cause cmake to create new files that conflict with the original source code.

So, we will create a new build directory and run ecbuild from there:

mkdir -p $HOME/jedi/build
cd $HOME/jedi/build
ecbuild --build=Release ../fv3-bundle

The --build=Release option builds an optimized version of the code so our applications will run a bit faster than if we were to omit it. The only required argument of ecbuild is the directory where the bundle is.

We have not yet compiled the code; we have merely set the stage. To appreciate part of what these commands have done, take a quick look at the bundle directory:

ls ../fv3-bundle

Do you notice anything different? The bundle directory now includes directories that contain the code repositories that were specified by all those ecbuild-bundle calls in the CMakeLists.txt file as described above (apart from a few that are optional): oops, saber, ioda, ufo, fv3-jedi etc. If you wish, you can look in those directories and find the source code.

So, one of the things that ecbuild does is to check to see if the repositories are there. If they are not, it will retreive (clone) them from GitHub. Running the make update command makes this explicit:

make update

Here ecbuild more clearly tells you which repositories it is pulling from GitHub and which branches. Running make update ensures that you get the latest versions of the various branches that are on GitHub. Though this is not necessary for tagged releases (which do not change), it is a good habit to get into if you seek to contribute to the JEDI source code.

All that remains is to actually compile the code (be sure to cd back to the build directory to run this):

make -j4

The -j4 option tells make to do a parallel build with 4 parallel processes. Feel free to use more if you have more than four compute cores on your machine.

Even with a parallel build, this can take 5-10 min or more, depending on how fast your computer is. So, go take a break and pat yourself on the back for getting this far.

Step 3: Run the JEDI test suite

If you are doing this tutorial as a prerequisite to other, more advanced tutorials, then you may wish to skip this step. But, you should do it at least once with the default (latest release) version of the code to verify that things are installed and working properly on your platform of choice.

Before running the tests, it’s a good idea to make sure that our system is ready for it. If you are running on a laptop or virtual machine, it is likely that some of the tests will require more MPI tasks than the number of compute cores you have available on your machine. So, we have to tell OpenMPI that it is ok if some cores run more than one MPI task.

To do this, first see if the following directory exists on your system:

ls $HOME/.openmpi

If it does not exist, run the following commands to create and initialize it:

mkdir -p $HOME/.openmpi
echo 'rmaps_base_oversubscribe = 1' > $HOME/.openmpi/mca-params.conf

If the $HOME/.openmpi directory already exists, edit it to make sure it contains an mca-params.conf file with the line rmaps_base_oversubscribe = 1. This turns on OpenMPI’s “oversubscribe” mode.

It is interesting to note that this is something that we cannot include in the container. When you are inside the singularity container, you have the same home directory (and user name) as you do outside of the container. This is a Good Thing; it provides a convenient work environment that is familiar to most scientists and software engineers, where you can see the files in your home directory without having to explicitly mount it in the container (as you would with Docker). But, it also means that some things, like this $HOME/.openmpi directory are shared by your container enviroment and your host environment.

Another common source of spurious test failure is memory faults due to an insufficient stack size. To avoid this, run the following commands:

ulimit -s unlimited
ulimit -v unlimited

Now we’re ready. To run the full suite of JEDI unit tests, enter this command from the build directory:

cd $HOME/jedi/build

Running this gives you an appreciation for how thoroughly the JEDI code is tested. The fv3-bundle has over 800 tests but many of them take less than a second. And this is only the Tier 1 tests - more computationally extensive higher-tier tests are run regularly with varying frequency. These thoroughly test all the applications, functions, methods, class constructors, and other JEDI components. As emphasized elsewhere, no code is added to JEDI unless there is a test to make sure that it is working and that it continues to work as the code evolves.

If you still get test failures you may wish to consult the FAQ.

A small clarification on the case of the development container; You built fv3-bundle while inside the container but since the container and host environment share the same home directory, you should still be able to access it outside of the container. But, if you try to run any tests or applications from outside the container you’ll find that they fail. This is because, at run time as well as at compile time, the tests and applications need to link to the libraries and executables inside the container.